ようこそ 城郷剣道同好会へ
















 興味のある方、入会希望の方 お気軽にご見学ください。



                                                                港北区剣道連盟 所属



Welcome to Shirosato Kendo Club Wanted Boys & Girls Samurai!! We have practice every Sunday all the year. Kendo-enthusiasts from beginners to experienced, family, men and women of all ages get together and enjoy energetic practice. Our club is the oldest Kendo club in Kohoku Ward that has been running since 1970. If you are interested, please feel free to get in touch with us. You are always welcome at our club.

✔ Now recruiting new members We are a member of Kohoku Ward Kendo Federation





横浜でも古くからある剣道教室で毎週日曜日のみの実施しております。場所、 城郷小学校が学校行事で体育館が使用出来ない場合、抽選で小机スポーツセン ターで実施する場合も御座います。学生の時、剣道をやっていて(子供と一緒に)再 度、挑戦!運動不足解消、ダイエット等、子供から大人まで幅広く剣道を楽しんでい ます。


About us: Our practice will be held every Sunday at one of an old traditional classrooms of Yokohama city. If the Gym of Shirosato Elementary School is unavailable such as school events, the classrooms may change to Kozukue-sports-center. All of our members are enjoying Kendo irrespective of age or gender and whatever the reasons are improving physical conditions and overcoming lack of exercise, dieting, using one's Kendo experience from the past, etc. Please join our class, we welcome you anytime!